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Individuals and Families

Individuals and families have a number of financial issues.

Here are some of the most common ones, which we dissect as part of our financial planning process:

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flow planning

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(life and disability, homeowners, automobile, umbrella policy)

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Having an
emergency fund

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Paying off debt,
including student

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Funding for
education of children
and grandchildren

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Tax, Estate and
Legacy planning

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Optimizing Social
Security claiming

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and wealth transfer

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Pre and post-nuptial

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Buy-sell agreements
with partners in a
business or profession

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Many of the individuals and families who retain us share one trait

They are anxious about their financial future

We listen.
We work with you to prepare a plan to achieve them.
We monitor the plan and adjust it as your situation changes.
That’s our definition of success.
We learn your goals.
We are high touch.
One client told us: I feel like I outsourced my anxiety to you.

Learn more from our blog!

access all blog/articles
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Life Care Plan

Develop a comprehensive life care plan that is built on a solid financial foundation and allows you to look toward the future with confidence.

Life Care Plan

Develop a comprehensive life care plan that is built on a solid financial foundation and allows you to look toward the future with confidence.

Children Riding a Bicycle

Life Care Plan

Develop a comprehensive life care plan that is built on a solid financial foundation and allows you to look toward the future with confidence.

Integrating Life, P&C and Disability Insurance with Your Overall Financial Plan

Insurance is a critical component of a well-rounded financial plan. Life, property and casualty (P&C), and disability insurance each serve distinct purposes, protecting different aspects of your financial health.

Facilitating Open Communication: Financial Advisors and Family Wealth Transfer Meetings

Facilitating open communication about wealth transfer is vital to ensure the longevity and harmony of family wealth. Here’s how you can work with your financial advisor to foster transparent discussions and build trust among family members.

A Recent Amendment to Supplemental Security Income Regulations Will Help the Disability Community

The Social Security Administration (SSA) recently amended its Supplemental Security Income (SSI) regulations. This federal program provides financial assistance to elderly, blind, and disabled individuals with limited income and resources.

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If opportunity doesn’t
knock, build a door.

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Let's start planning together, call 760 854 4003